On Wednesday, Medworks and marketing giant, The Tower City Media Group joined forces in order to further spread the good news about how area residents can obtain free medical and vision care in NEO through Medworks.
Medworks, is an amazing organization that supplies free dental, medical and eyecare for anyone that shows up to one of their many pop-up clinics. The clinics are set up like M.A.S.H. units with medical volunteers gearing up and rolling out from University, Cleveland Clinic and MetroHealth hospitals. These professional doctors and dentists, from the most highly rated medical facilities, provide the much-needed services to those who attend. All of the doctors, nurses, and assistants give their time willing, without pay, to bring some sort of dignity back into the lives of many. A large percentage of the clients that they see are homeless and are in need of so many different things. Others simply don’t have the means to pay for medical care as costs continue to skyrocket out of control.
Not only do people receive immediate health care, but the clinics also offer a multitude of referral services so that these individuals will have a more direct line to additional assistance later.
“Our hope is that after we service the individual at one of our pop-ups, that they will follow up on the vital information that we have provided. Our wish is that we don’t ever have to see them again. That they go on to receive the necessary continued services available to them at a variety of facilities that are ready, willing and able to serve them. Even though they have no means to pay. Sadly, oftentimes we see the same faces time and again. But, we’re working on that,” explained Melissa Siegel, Program Manager for Medworks. “No questions are asked when you come to one of our pop-ups. You simply show up and the doctors and staff take it from there,” Seigel added.
A lot is happening at Medworks right now. They just recently named Charnell Robertson-Chapman as their new Executive Director. She brings a ton of experience to Medworks and she is looking to have an immediate impact coming straight out of the gate. “We’re going to move swiftly, but strategically”, stated Robertson-Chapman. “We will be utilizing our social media presence, television, radio, print and every other means available to bring more awareness to what Medworks does. We have good attendance at our clinics, but I want to improve those numbers significantly. And, we’re going to do it,” she said as a wide smile flashed across her face.
She has teamed up with one of the rising stars in the world of marketing, The Tower City Media Group. Together they plan on bringing more awareness to these near life-saving clinics in hopes of extending the life expectancy of our less fortune citizens. They also want to bring the gap between working people who still can’t afford healthcare.
The Tower City Media Group has represented some of the largest companies in NEO. They have been trusted with carrying advertising messages for Tri-C, The Cleveland Metropolitan School District, Fifth Third Bank, The Gaines Funeral Home, Whitmore’s Barbecue, Felice’s Restaurant, The Buckeye Shaker-Square Development Corporation, The Universoul Circus, Literacy in the H.O.O.D., J.B’s Lunch and Literacy Lounge and many others. The group specializes in creating fascinating television commercials, infomercials, music videos, radio ads, podcasts, newspapers and magazines.
“We’re gonna do what we do best”, chuckled Ray Robinson of The Tower City Media Group. “Medworks is providing such a magnificent service and we want to be certain that more people are aware of these pop-up clinics. And we certainly want everyone to know who Medworks is and what they do around NEO. We have put our heads together for the common good of the community and its residents. It’s gonna be fun working with this gang of smart, loving caring people”.
Since 2009, Medworks has held more than 60 clinics in Northeast Ohio and provided more than 16,000 individuals with 40,000 appointments and services.
Here is the current list of scheduled Medworks Pop-Up Clinics:
Go to www.medworksusa.org for more information
Dental Clinic
Saturday, May 7, 2022 from 7:45am-1:30pm
Lorain County Health & Dentistry
Services: Cleanings, screenings, and extractions, referrals, RX, $10 gift cards, free transportation – in partnership with Lorain County Transit.
Medical and Cancer Screening Clinic
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Cleveland Clinic Euclid Hospital
Services: Screenings, referrals, cancer screening tests, lab work, RX, hygiene bags, produce bags from GCFB, job fair, $10 gift card.
Vision Clinic
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute
Services: Vision screening, eye health exam, prescription eyeglasses, RX, hygiene bags, produce bags from GCFB, $10 gift card.
Mental Health Telehealth Clinic
Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 8:00am-12:00pm
Services: Screening, referrals, $10 gift card.
Dental Clinic
Friday-Saturday, November 18-19, 2022
Huntington Convention Center
Services: TBD
Mental Health Telehealth Clinic
Saturday, December 10, 2022 from 8:00am-12:00pm
Services: Screening, referrals, $10 gift card.
Registration for appointments will open one month in advance.