By Ray Robinson
Many times, when faced with having to write an essay, a homework assignment or any other formal writing task, people are stuck with fear. What do I say..,and even worse…what should I do?
Well, there is an easy answer to this age-old problem, and it is called, “The 5 W’s of writing”. These 5 very simple words will transform you from someone stumbling and bumbling their way through a written piece into a super writer in no time at all.
Let’s look at the 5 magical words. Who. What. Where. When. Why.
Who-Answering this question at the beginning of your writing will establish who the written piece is about. You can also include some background information about their schooling, parents and other interesting facts about who they are.
What- What is this person or persons doing in their lives that makes them newsworthy to talk about. What profession does this person have that makes them interesting. What are they doing in the story.
Where-Where does the person’s event or story take place.
When- In what years, decades, century did the event happen in which you are writing about.
Why-Why did the person do what they did. Explain in great detail what the person, group or team did to get the attention that they received.
How- In what manner did the person do whatever it is that they accomplished. Again, give many details about this to bring your story to live.
If you utilize these simple and easy to remember tips about writing, you’ll have a template that you can always refer to to get the job done correctly. The first time.