By The Madd Hatter
As a former resident of both Ohio City and Tremont from the late 80’s through the early 2000’s, I can’t seem to escape this troubling thought…WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH OUR POLITICAL LEADERSHIP ON THE EASTSIDE ?
Since the mid-80’s, the near Westside has made huge leaps and bounds when it comes to community development, community collaborations and overall beautification of each of these neighborhoods.
Without a doubt W. 25th has taken on a whole new life. The street, once a dimly lit, rundown place where drug addicts and winos called home is now a brightly lit lane full of new restaurants, people and financial opportunities.
Detroit Avenue has experienced a full fledged makeover as well. Housing stock, restaurants and people galore appear to have discovered an area where life springs forth with seemingly very little effort.
And now, there is fresh life growing on Lorain Avenue. And, it’s growing faster than the weeds at a vacant house located in just about any Eastside neighborhood.
But, what’s the difference ? Why ARE some Eastside communities all but dead and gone ? The answer is easy to figure out. All you have to do is look at the council person that you’ve appointed to represent you.
Is your councilman informed and educated about securing monies from the funding agencies on the national level ? Are they savvy enough to be in the boardrooms down in Columbus where the REAL money is being doled out ? No ?
If you’re only seeing your political representatives at the local church chatting it up with the pastor and NOT in the rooms where deals are being made…your neighborhood probably looks a mess.
Does your representative attend all of the community barbecues and church functions but can’t show you how they plan on moving your neighbors and your family forward ? Then, your neighborhood is struggling and probably another ticking time bomb waiting to explode. And those explosions are the sounds of bulldozers ripping down another dilapidated home or commercial property that has seen its best days. It’s last days.

Are there any new commercial properties being built in your area ? Strange, that Westside is BOOMING with new homes and businesses rising into the Cleveland skies almost daily.
How can the same city experience such differences in progress ? Easy answer again. Are your political representatives interested in advancement beyond their paycheck ?
One thing that I know for sure is that Westsiders will run off a councilman or councilwoman quicker than you can say Jiminy Cricket if that representative isn’t handling their business.
It’s a bit different on the Eastside for whatever reason. Folks appear to continue voting in the same people who have held office 20+ years but can’t show one thing that they’ve done in their wards. If they’ve gone to school with their great-grandmother’s cat that’s good enough reason to give them a vote of confidence at the ballot box. WRONG !!
Next time that you’re riding around your neighborhood take a deeper look at what you’re seeing. Or not seeing. Are there any new housing projects going up in your neighborhood ? Are there any new businesses opening up ? Are there any plans for upcoming growth ? Are there any plans at all in the works ? How will your children fair in their current areas 5-10 years from now.
If you can’t see any plans for the future then there probably aren’t any. And if that’s the case, it’s up to YOU to make your voice heard. Get the barbecue sauce off of your fingers and run to the polls. YOU can make difference. Yes, you do have a say-so on what should be happening in your life. In your neighborhood. In your world.
Make your choice. But, make a good choice. Do your homework. Check to see exactly what the plans are for YOUR ward. And then… VOTE !!! Vote !!! V-O-T-E !!! ~ Ray Rob