Well guys, we’re two-thirds of the way through the year. Have you stuck to your goals and plans as you promised that you would at the beginning of the year ?

Have you shredded those unwanted pounds around the midsection like you vowed to do before this winter’s upcoming high school reunion ? Or, are you at this very moment online in search of   the latest waist-cinching item in hopes of hiding your personal battle of the bulge ?

How about that closet that will burst wide the hell open if you try to put just a single shirt in there ? Still full huh? You said that that was the very first thing on your bucket list of things to do that would be knocked out. 

Remember you were going to “ take a few lil classes” at the community college just to “ keep my mind sharp” ? Well ? Did you sign up yet ?

And I KNOW that you’ve been out visiting your relatives who are now up in age and longing for a visit and a bright smile from a familiar face.  

Darn, Christmas will soon be approaching and that without question signals another year’s end. Another 365 revolutions around the sun. Another 365 days gone.

Still, there is plenty time left in the year for gallivanting around town and taking in an outdoor festival or three. You’ll undoubtedly still take to the parks and picnic tables like mosquitos to your legs on a late Friday evening at a cookout. 

Soon though, the sound of leaf blowers and rakes will permeate the soundscape of life only to give way to snowblowers and shovels shortly thereafter. 

With that, don’t forget to go visit the senior loved ones in your family. Within the last 60 days, I’ve lost 4 relatively young family members to one cause of illness or another. So, in the words of our beloved Soul Brother #1, I beg each and every one of you to PLEASE…PLEASE…PLEASE check in on someone.

It doesn’t have to be a senior that  you reach out to either. Of late, too often  times we read an account in the newspapers where some young child has cried out in pain and no one listened or responded to their plea. 

Yes, we’re all entering the autumn of our lives and each millisecond must count. The batteries in the chronometer of life ticks slowly but surely towards its final tick. It’s always been said that, “  Nobody gets out alive”. 

With that, call a friend just to check in. It doesn’t have to be an hours long conversation. But, be certain to make that call. Because one day, yes, one day…you’ll be up in age and wishing that someone called you. 

Now, go throw another package of hot dogs on the grill and enjoy what’s left of this summer. Winter is fast approaching. Brrrrr…just the thought of it makes me shiver. 

~Ray Rob